How Psychedelics Help You Let Go of Fear and Open Up to Change

If you avoid new experiences or feel trapped by fears, psychedelics like psilocybin have the remarkable ability to temporarily reduce anxiety while increasing receptiveness.

How Psychedelics Help You Let Go of Fear and Open Up to Change
Photo by Mathew Schwartz / Unsplash

If you avoid new experiences or feel trapped by fears, psychedelics like psilocybin have the remarkable ability to temporarily reduce anxiety while increasing receptiveness. This allows you to envision possibilities once obscured by fear.

Research shows psychedelics quiet the brain’s Default Mode Network, associated with fixed perspectives, preconceptions, rumination, and ego. With this constant self-referential chatter silenced, self-consciousness fades.

People describe psychedelic states as “ego dissolution.” You still exist, but your sense of self expands beyond limiting definitions. This dissolution of ego enables you to objectively examine personal narratives and biases formed from past pain.

Fears feel surmountable.

With sensation heightened, regular thought constrained, and inhibitions lowered, perspective shifts occur. You may re-interpret past experiences through a lens of empathy, acceptance, and gratitude. Fears that once felt monumental can be reframed as fleeting.

This state of unconstrained cognition allows fears, behaviors, and thought loops to become “unstuck.” You gain the ability to recognize entrenched patterns that no longer serve you. Your sense of awe and connection to things greater than self grows.

Psychedelics jolt you out of hardened perspectives, opening new vistas. What previously overwhelmed you now seems manageable, even transformable. This renewed mindset endures, allowing you to boldly make the changes necessary to overcome fear and live fully.

Of course, psychedelics must be carefully administered in controlled settings with guidance to ensure lasting benefits, not harm.

But deliberate work with these compounds provides an opportunity to reset rigid thought patterns and rewire how you respond to emotions like fear.

Note: Always, talk to your Psychedelic therapist for advice..