Nutrition and Nutritionists

Nutrition and Nutritionists

Good diet and nutrition is essential for most of us autoimmune sufferers. So in these blogs we'll look at healthy tips and recipes from experts and scientists to help you keep on track, and ease the dreaded flare ups!
Anti-Inflammatory Christmas Feast: A Guide for Autoimmune Warriors

Anti-Inflammatory Christmas Feast: A Guide for Autoimmune Warriors

The holiday season brings joy but can also present challenges for those managing autoimmune conditions. This guide will help you create a festive Christmas menu that emphasises anti-inflammatory foods while still maintaining the spirit of celebration.
3 min read
Ginger Root: A Powerful Ally in Defeating Inflammation for Autoimmune Sufferers

Ginger Root: A Powerful Ally in Defeating Inflammation for Autoimmune Sufferers

Ginger has long been known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but emerging research has further cemented its role as a natural remedy for managing inflammation, pain, and mitochondrial dysfunction.
5 min read
Fuelling Your Body: How a Nutritionist Can Help Manage Autoimmune Symptoms

Fuelling Your Body: How a Nutritionist Can Help Manage Autoimmune Symptoms

Managing an autoimmune disease can feel like trying to solve a puzzle where the pieces constantly shift. One day you're up, the next, you're down. And while it’s tempting to focus on medications and treatments alone, there's one huge piece of the puzzle that can often be overlooked—your diet.
6 min read
Unlocking Relief: The Power of Diet in Managing Endometriosis

Unlocking Relief: The Power of Diet in Managing Endometriosis

Endometriosis is more than just a diagnosis; it's a daily battle for millions of women worldwide. But can diet help the condition?
6 min read
Fighting Back Against Rheumatoid Arthritis: Your Food Can Be Your Ally

Fighting Back Against Rheumatoid Arthritis: Your Food Can Be Your Ally

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can feel like a formidable foe, but there's good news! Recent research shows that what you eat can significantly impact how you manage the disease. This isn't just about deprivation – it's about harnessing the power of food to feel better and live a fuller life.
10 min read
Seeking Relief from Fibromyalgia Through Diet: A Hopeful Path in a Sea of Doubts

Seeking Relief from Fibromyalgia Through Diet: A Hopeful Path in a Sea of Doubts

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a complicated condition that causes long-lasting pain all over the body, along with tiredness, trouble sleeping, and fuzzy thinking. It affects a lot of people around the world, and it can really mess up your life. Doctors still don't agree on what causes FM or how to treat it.
9 min read
How What We Eat Affects How We Feel: A Closer Look at the Dietary Inflammatory Index

How What We Eat Affects How We Feel: A Closer Look at the Dietary Inflammatory Index

Do you ever wonder why some foods make you feel good while others leave you feeling sluggish or bloated? It turns out that the impact of food on our bodies is more significant than just satisfying our hunger.
5 min read
Vitamin D and the Smile Factor

Vitamin D and the Smile Factor

Being stuck home bound whether by illness, injury or other limitation means vitamin D intake inevitably suffers. This essential “sunshine” nutrient normally releases through bare skin absorbing UV rays during regular outdoor activity.
2 min read
The Diet-Mood Connection: How What We Eat Impacts How We Feel

The Diet-Mood Connection: How What We Eat Impacts How We Feel

There's an undeniable link between our diet, exercise habits, and mental health. The foods we put into our bodies have a direct effect on our mood and outlook. Likewise, physical activity provides a boost to our mental wellbeing.
3 min read