Finding the Best VR Games & Apps for Distracting From Endo Pain

One advantage of using virtual reality to manage endometriosis pain is the wide variety of games and apps to choose from. But with so many options, how do you select the best VR experiences to provide pain relief?

Finding the Best VR Games & Apps for Distracting From Endo Pain
Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano / Unsplash

One advantage of using virtual reality to manage endometriosis pain is the wide variety of games and apps to choose from. But with so many options, how do you select the best VR experiences to provide pain relief?

Here are the key factors to consider:

Immersive Graphics - Look for beautifully designed 3D environments that fully engage your senses and make you feel present in the virtual world. Stunning landscapes, animations and textures amplify distraction.

Interactivity - Active gameplay where you control the action is more distracting than passive observation. Apps that get you moving, solving puzzles, creating, or collaborating hold attention best.

Positive Mood - Uplifting, whimsical VR worlds are ideal for improving mood while diverting focus from pain. Seek out lighthearted games and calming nature simulations.

No Overstimulation - While engaging, VR apps shouldn't overwhelm your senses. Avoid fast-paced, anxiety-provoking content. Select soothing apps promoting relaxation.

Variety - Having a mix of VR experiences prevents boredom and adaption that diminishes distraction effects over time. Vary activity levels and scenery.

Quality Sound Design - Make sure apps have high audio quality since sound captures focus. Prefer immersive music and sound effects over silence.

Customizable Duration - Look for apps allowing you to adjust session length based on your pain levels. Brief 5-10 minute sessions may sufficiently reduce pain.

These criteria will help you curate an engaging VR library tailored to provide maximum endometriosis pain relief. Prioritize apps meeting your personal needs and preferences for the best results.

VR offers empowering alternatives for coping, we still have a lot to learn from constant research and monitoring our personal personal experiences, but exciting times are ahead.

So, get a headset and have a go!

Here are some helpful places to get help with your Endometriosis in the UK
Ending endometriosis starts by saying it | Endometriosis UK
Pain UK - A Charity supporting Charities who help with pain
Pain UK is an alliance of charities providing support and help for those living with pain. Pain management, healthcare advice. tips and resources available.
Here are some helpful places to get help with your Endometriosis in the USA
Endometriosis, Foundation, EndoFound, Endometriosis Foundation of America
Endometriosis Foundation of America | a 501(c)3 Tax-exempt, Tax-deductible Organization
Endometriosis | Office on Women’s Health