How Psychedelics Change Your Brain to Heal Your Mind

If you struggle with depression, addiction or trauma, you may have heard about promising research using psychedelics like magic mushrooms for mental health treatment.

How Psychedelics Change Your Brain to Heal Your Mind
Photo by FLY:D / Unsplash

If you struggle with depression, addiction or trauma, you may have heard about promising research using psychedelics like magic mushrooms for mental health treatment. But how do compounds like psilocybin actually impact the brain to alleviate suffering?

Let’s break it down.

Psychedelics work by briefly altering neurotransmitter levels in the brain. A single dose can elevate serotonin, dopamine and other chemicals which regulate mood, cognition, motivation and perception. This creates an expanded state of consciousness.

Brain imaging shows psychedelics activate parts of the brain involved in emotion, memory, and sense of self while deactivating the Default Mode Network responsible for rumination on the past, ego and fixed perspectives. Users describe minds feeling “unconstrained.”

In this flexible mental state, ingrained thought patterns become “unstuck” and open to new insights and access to emotions. Masking layers peel away, allowing you to objectively confront fears, biases and self-stories. This neuroplasticity primes you for psychological growth.

Psychedelics also stimulate serotonin 2A receptors heavily concentrated in the prefrontal cortex which regulate mood. Binding these receptors has antidepressant effects. In fact, a single psychedelic trip has been shown to boost mood and life outlook for weeks to months after.

Compounds like psilocybin and LSD are not addictive and produce little tolerance allowing intermittent therapeutic use with minimal side effects or dependence.

However, psychedelics carry risks like anxiety, confusion or trauma reactivation in unprepared users, underscoring the need for responsible clinical guidance.

Cutting-edge science confirms psychedelics promote neural flexibility allowing you to rewrite destructive patterns and ingrained narratives holding you back, providing lasting improvement in mood and quality of life.

Guided properly, psychedelics offer your mind an opportunity to heal itself.

Note: Always, talk to your Psychedelic therapist for advice..