How VR Can Enhance Psychedelic Therapy for Addiction

Psychedelics like psilocybin show great promise for treating substance abuse when combined with therapy. Virtual reality adds another layer to enhance psychedelic addiction treatment even further.

How VR Can Enhance Psychedelic Therapy for Addiction
Photo by Phoenix Han / Unsplash

Psychedelics like psilocybin show great promise for treating substance abuse when combined with therapy. Virtual reality adds another layer to enhance psychedelic addiction treatment even further.

During a psychedelic trip, VR allows people overcoming addiction to visualize and immerse themselves in scenes triggering cravings like bars, parties or drug paraphernalia. This exposure therapy lets them master sobriety skills to prevent relapse.

VR also provides positive reinforcement by simulating rewards of sobriety like improved relationships and hobbies that feel experientially real under a psychedelic. This motivates sticking with recovery.

For those haunted by past trauma fueling their addiction, VR can recreate traumatic memories in calmer or metaphorical ways to help reprocess these experiences under guided psychedelic therapy.

Additionally, virtual nature settings give participants stress-free sanctuary when emotions run high during psychedelic-enhanced therapy sessions. The soothing VR environments help settle any anxiety.

By leveraging VR’s capacity to simulate scenarios and environments, psychedelics’ ability to open neural pathways becomes focused squarely on addressing addiction. The combined impact may exceed the sum of their individual effects.

While still experimental, early research shows psychedelic VR therapy gives people recovering from addiction both the internal breakthroughs and practical tools to sustain sobriety after treatment.

Note: Always, talk to your Psychedelic therapist for advice..